Some WORDS of

Stop saying 'fuck' so much. Save it for
special occasions when it's really warranted.
Soya milk is bad for you. Stop drinking it.
Wake up earlier, eat breakfast at home.
Come to terms with the fact that you will always be
1. Spending money on maintaining your hair or
2. Spending money removing it
Stop reading the Daily Mail. It's bad for your brain,
your health and society in general.
Never shave your eyebrows.
Comic Sans is never an option.
Print copies of your photos.
You'll regret an undercut.
Know that people will come and go at different
points throughout your life. Try not to overthink it.
Use your time wisely. It's the one thing you can't get back.
Don't dwell on what was, or could be, but what is available
to you right now.
Finish all the half-finished books.
Stop recording videos at gigs. You'll never watch them again.
Enjoy the experience through your eyes, not a tiny screen.
Know that twenty years from now, you're going to look back
at photos and wish you had the body you've got today.
Do pilates. You're too young to be this broken.
Stop buying socks. You only have two feet.
S t r e t c h.
Learn how to poach the perfect egg.
Attempt Beef Wellington.
Open your gyoza-making kit.
Use your pasta machine.
Invest in a good mattress. And eye cream.
Stop lying to your hairdresser.
If they did a terrible job, let them know.
Your friendships will matter more as you get older.
Nurture the good ones. Get rid of the ones that make you miserable.
Floss. With string, or with that water gadget thing.
The choice is yours.
Stop scrolling on your phone before bed.
Equally, put your phone away when you're in the company
of others; they're real - prioritise them. Getting your phone
out when you're in someone else's company is like saying
'you're boring and I don't value my time with you.'
Cook dinner for your mother/father more.
Don't worry about next week, it hasn't happened yet.
Make sure the people you love know that you appreciate them.
distance y o u r s e l f
from the people who don't bring out the best in you.
Watch more French films.
Don't bitch about your last job.
Ask friends how they are, twice. Just to be extra sure.
Actually go to Scotland.
Don't feel guilty every time you eat pasta.
Go to sleep with a good thought.
Continue to appreciate the finer details in life and know that
the most wonderful things cannot be bought.
Don't use the same password for everything. If your phone's unlock code is 0000, this is your warning to change it.
Wear SPF 50. Every day. Unless you want your forehead to
look like a slatted roof when you're older.
Remember that advice is bias.